Research Triangle Science Fiction Society

RTSFS Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Research Triangle Science Fiction Society but were afraid to ask.

© 2001-2010 Research Triangle Science Fiction Society

FAQ created by Laura Haywood-Cory and maintained by the current RTSFS Officers.

What is RTSFS?

The Research Triangle Science Fiction Society exists to provide a discussion forum and social outlet for like-minded fans of speculative fiction in all its myriad forms — science fiction, fantasy, horror — in print, TV, movies, comics, anime, and role-playing games. Based in the Research Triangle region of North Carolina (the area surrounding Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill), we also welcome members from outside our local area.

We meet in various locations around the Triangle. We usually try to schedule one discussion meeting and one social meeting per month. Meetings are free and open to the public.

We're a group balanced between idealistic youngsters whose zest for life hasn't been squashed yet, and old pharts who will beat you up with their canes. We have some married couples in the group, and some of them have children. The rest of us have cats, or goldfish, or cacti.

We're a mature yet fun group whose members have an assortment of interests: Some people are primarily interested in sf/fantasy/horror literature, some are more interested in sf movies and TV, and others are interested in gaming (role-playing games, collectible card games, board games, etc).

Curious about how we evolved? Visit the RTSFS History Page to learn more.

We try to schedule meetings and activities that will be of interest to a large number of our members. We have a core group of about 30 who come to events, and over 100 people are on the email discussion list.

Speaking of which, we're a club AND an email discussion list; you don't have to participate in one to participate in the other, though you're more than welcome to do both. Some of the info in the FAQ below pertains specifically to the email list; other info is specifically about the club.

The RTSFS logo and the original website were designed by Paul Cory. The site has been updated by Diane Kurilecz.

Who's in charge?

RTSFS officers for 2003-2004, elected on October 5, 2003

Office Officer E-Mail
President Diane M. Kurilecz president <AT> rtsfs <DOT> com
Vice-President Joe Supple vice-president <AT> rtsfs <DOT> com
Secretary Andy Hatchell secretary <AT> rtsfs <DOT> com
Treasurer Vacant treasurer <AT> rtsfs <DOT> com
Social Coordinator Laura Haywood-Cory social <AT> rtsfs <DOT> com

List Administration

Diane Kurilecz is the primary list administrator for the discussion list. You can contact the List Administrator at list-admin@rtsfs.com with questions or problems with the list.


The info [AT] rtsfs [DOT] com address is our primary means of corresponding with the public. Our club secretary, Andy Hatchell, answers e-mail.

E-Mail Discussion List


If your only purpose for signing up on the list is to mock others and fling insults at them, do us all a favor and unsubscribe right now — trust us, we're not your type. The alt.troll group is down the hall, around the corner. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

How do I join? What are the list formats? Is there a digest version?

There are two different options for the RTSFS list:

List Administrivia