Research Triangle Science Fiction Society


RTSFS provides a discussion forum and social outlet in central North Carolina for like-minded Triangle-wide fans of speculative fiction (science fiction, fantasy, horror) in print, film and TV, as well as for related activities such as Role Playing Games (RPGs).

We're a group balanced between idealistic youngsters whose zest for life hasn't been squashed yet, and old pharts who'll beat you up with their canes. Some members are married, some are single; some have children, others have cats, dogs, cacti, or fish. Members come from all parts of the Triangle: Wake Forest, Pittsboro, Garner, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Apex, etc.

If you know of any Triangle-area SF events, let us know! Write to: webmaster <AT> rtsfs <DOT> com

Upcoming Events

RTSFS Hugo Book Club

Barnes & Noble at The Streets at Southpoint shopping center, 8030 Renaissance Parkway Suite 855, Durham, NC 27713

We will discuss another in the series of Hugo-award winning novels.

Tuesday, January 15

7:00 pm

Discussion of Vernor Vinge's A Deepness in the Sky (2000).

Tuesday, February 19

7:00 pm

Discussion of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2001).

Tuesday, March 19

7:00 pm

Discussion of Neil Gaiman's American Gods (2002).

RTSFS Email List

The RTSFS email list is a great source for up-to-date club news as well as a forum for lively discussion about all things related to the club and to speculative fiction in general. Just fill out the form on the sign-up page with your name, email address, and a password (for web access to the list). If you're already a member, you can read the list or change your settings.

For More Information …

E-mail info <AT> rtsfs <DOT> com to request information about membership, the literary meetings, your general ideas, meeting location suggestions, discussion topics, or social activities.

Club Officers

Office Officer E-Mail
President Diane M. Kurilecz president <AT> rtsfs <DOT> com
Vice-President Joe Supple vice-president <AT> rtsfs <DOT> com
Secretary Andy Hatchell secretary <AT> rtsfs <DOT> com
Treasurer Vacant treasurer <AT> rtsfs <DOT> com
Social Coordinator Laura Haywood-Cory social <AT> rtsfs <DOT> com

Thanks for visiting!

We look forward to seeing you at our next event.